About Basic statistical calculations correlation of three variablesAbout Basic statistical calculations correlation of three variables
MLA Style
Susanto, Ferri dan Sinarman Jaya. Basic statistical calculations correlation of three variables. Malang: CV. Rena Cipta Mandiri, 2023. Online.
Chicago Style
Susanto, Ferri dan Sinarman Jaya. Basic statistical calculations correlation of three variables. Malang: CV. Rena Cipta Mandiri, 2023.
Turabian Style
Susanto, Ferri dan Sinarman Jaya. Basic statistical calculations correlation of three variables. Malang: CV. Rena Cipta Mandiri, 2023.
APA Style
Susanto, Ferri dan Sinarman Jaya. (2023). Basic statistical calculations correlation of three variables. Malang: CV. Rena Cipta Mandiri.
Harvard Style
Susanto, Ferri dan Sinarman Jaya, 2023, Basic statistical calculations correlation of three variables, CV. Rena Cipta Mandiri, Malang.
IEEE Style
Ferri Susanto dan Sinarman Jaya. Basic statistical calculations correlation of three variables. Malang: CV. Rena Cipta Mandiri, 2023.