The true story packaged in this short story novel with the title I amThe true story packaged in this short story novel with the title I am
MLA Style
Biduri, Mella. BASED ON TRUE STORY I AM JULI. Surabaya: Unitomo Press, 2023. Online.
Chicago Style
Biduri, Mella. BASED ON TRUE STORY I AM JULI. Surabaya: Unitomo Press, 2023.
Turabian Style
Biduri, Mella. BASED ON TRUE STORY I AM JULI. Surabaya: Unitomo Press, 2023.
APA Style
Biduri, Mella. (2023). BASED ON TRUE STORY I AM JULI. Surabaya: Unitomo Press.
Harvard Style
Biduri, Mella, 2023, BASED ON TRUE STORY I AM JULI, Unitomo Press, Surabaya.
IEEE Style
Mella Biduri. BASED ON TRUE STORY I AM JULI. Surabaya: Unitomo Press, 2023.