Animal Health and Disease Prevention

Animal Health and Disease Prevention

Prof. Dr. Drh. Pratiwi Trisunuwati, M.S.

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Animal diseases important to get deeper understanding because that have serious constraint in animal production Often occurred these diseases could have transmitted against human with direct route or or by animal product as a raw material of food Disease of animals still impact against a serious constraint in animal production Therefore some basic knowledge about diseases is needed for animal science veterinary medicine and those peoples working in the field of animal medic and production Most forms of prevention are based on husbandry good housing proper ventilation pasture hygiene and adequate feeding all belonging to our profession in general terms is Good Management Practiced In this field the veterinarian meets the animal scientist Another form of prevention which is increasingly being used notably in viral diseases is vaccination The design and distribution and actual application of vaccines belongs to the domain of the veterinarian Hopefully he majority of the international community observers animals and student of animal science can utilize this book properly After this edition there is next book with subtitles Common Tropical Animal Infectious Diseases an Overview arranged about all microbe against livestock disease Each of these types of micro organisms has its own biological properties The examples are choosen either on the ground of the high incidence economic importance or specific demands for prophylaxis Animal diseases important to get deeper understanding because that have serious constraint in animal production Often occurred these diseases could have transmitted against human with direct route or or by animal product as a raw material of food Disease of animals still impact against a serious constraint in animal production Therefore ...


MLA Style
Trisunuwati, Pratiwi. Animal Health and Disease Prevention. Malang: UB PRESS, 2017. Online.
Chicago Style
Trisunuwati, Pratiwi. Animal Health and Disease Prevention. Malang: UB PRESS, 2017.
Turabian Style
Trisunuwati, Pratiwi, Animal Health and Disease Prevention. Malang: UB PRESS, 2017.
APA Style
Trisunuwati, Pratiwi. (2017). Animal Health and Disease Prevention. Malang: UB PRESS.
Harvard Style
Trisunuwati, Pratiwi, 2017, Animal Health and Disease Prevention, UB PRESS, Malang.
IEEE Style
Pratiwi Trisunuwati. Animal Health and Disease Prevention. Malang: UB PRESS. 2017.

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