Afganistan di tangan Taliban

Afganistan di tangan Taliban

Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo

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Deskripsi Buku

FOR thousands of years bitter experiences have been part of life for the Wana tribe and one of the reasons why these people prefer to live deep in the Morowali forest of Central Sulawesi Under the rule of the Banggai Kingdom they were forced to pay obligatory tributes and during the Dutch colonial era they paid exorbitant taxes It should therefore come as no surprise that they prefer to avoid contact with the outside world FOR thousands of years bitter experiences have been part of life for the Wana tribe and one of the reasons why these people prefer to live deep in the Morowali forest of Central Sulawesi Under the rule of the Banggai Kingdom they were forced to pay obligatory tributes and during the ...


MLA Style
Tempo, Pusat Data dan Analisa. Afganistan di tangan Taliban. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022. Online.
Chicago Style
Tempo, Pusat Data dan Analisa. Afganistan di tangan Taliban. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.
Turabian Style
Tempo, Pusat Data dan Analisa. Afganistan di tangan Taliban. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.
APA Style
Tempo, Pusat Data dan Analisa. (2022). Afganistan di tangan Taliban. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing.
Harvard Style
Tempo, Pusat Data dan Analisa, 2022, Afganistan di tangan Taliban, TEMPO Publishing, Jakarta.
IEEE Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. Afganistan di tangan Taliban. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.

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