Advanced Pharmacy Practice

Advanced Pharmacy Practice


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The only book of its kind on the market ADVANCED PHARMACY PRACTICE 3rd Edition explores nontraditional pharmacy practice for both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians As pharmacy practice expands into long term care home health home infusion mail order and hospice pharmacy professionals must develop new skills in service delivery while accepting new roles and increased responsibility in the workplace ADVANCED PHARMACY PRACTICE 3rd Edition prepares you for these challenges while introducing the latest research and technologies in less familiar settings such as specialty nuclear veterinary and federal pharmacy as well as telepharmacy and the pharmaceutical industry Chapters outline and differentiate pharmacy technician and pharmacist roles in each practice setting Features include learning objectives chapter summaries critical thinking questions and answers key terms detailed appendices and a variety of traditional and e learning supplements to give you more practice and memorize facts with ease Whether you are a student or practicing pharmacist or pharmacy technician ADVANCED PHARMACY PRACTICE 3rd Edition is an inclusive reliable resource for ongoing reference The only book of its kind on the market ADVANCED PHARMACY PRACTICE 3rd Edition explores nontraditional pharmacy practice for both pharmacists and pharmacy technicians As pharmacy practice expands into long term care home health home infusion mail order and hospice pharmacy professionals must develop new skills in service delivery while accepting ...


MLA Style
Lambert. Advanced Pharmacy Practice. : Cengage, 2015. Online.
Chicago Style
Lambert. Advanced Pharmacy Practice. : Cengage, 2015.
Turabian Style
Lambert. Advanced Pharmacy Practice. : Cengage, 2015.
APA Style
Lambert. (2015). Advanced Pharmacy Practice. : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Lambert, 2015, Advanced Pharmacy Practice, Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Lambert. Advanced Pharmacy Practice. : Cengage, 2015.

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