In addition the conference particularly encourages interaction between the leading experts in the Halal Issue Policy and Sustainability not only from Southeast Asia such as Brunai Darussalam Malaysia and Thailand but also from other countries such as Canada Turkey Bahrain Egypt Pakistan Their presentations have been remarkably contributed to the most scientific knowledge in the field of Halal issue policy and sustainability Also the conference has been managed not only for sharing research and theoretical findings but also encouraging collaboration between researchers from Indonesia and researchers from other countries Thus the international research collaboration will be more initiated in the futureIn addition the conference particularly encourages interaction between the leading experts in the Halal Issue Policy and Sustainability not only from Southeast Asia such as Brunai Darussalam Malaysia and Thailand but also from other countries such as Canada Turkey Bahrain Egypt Pakistan Their presentations have been remarkably contributed to the most ...scientific knowledge in the field of Halal issue policy and sustainability Also the conference has been managed not only for sharing research and theoretical findings but also encouraging collaboration between researchers from Indonesia and researchers from other countries Thus the international research collaboration will be more initiated in the future