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Abang bule

Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo

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Deskripsi Buku

In the euphoria of nominating presidential candidates for the 2004 General Election the name of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is slowly but surely shining The results of polls conducted by several institutions indicate that the name of the Coordinating Minister for Politics Security is rising One poll by the Center for the Study of Democracy Development even puts him as the top candidate Why is he so popular Is it true that he is just waiting for the right moment to rise to the presidency In the euphoria of nominating presidential candidates for the 2004 General Election the name of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono is slowly but surely shining The results of polls conducted by several institutions indicate that the name of the Coordinating Minister for Politics Security is rising One poll by the Center for the ...


MLA Style
Tempo, Pusat Data dan Analisa. Abang bule. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022. Online.
Chicago Style
Tempo, Pusat Data dan Analisa. Abang bule. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.
Turabian Style
Tempo, Pusat Data dan Analisa. Abang bule. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.
APA Style
Tempo, Pusat Data dan Analisa. (2022). Abang bule. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing.
Harvard Style
Tempo, Pusat Data dan Analisa, 2022, Abang bule, TEMPO Publishing, Jakarta.
IEEE Style
Pusat Data dan Analisa Tempo. Abang bule. Jakarta: TEMPO Publishing, 2022.

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