A magical summer

A magical summer

Khadijah Dzakira

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Deskripsi Buku

There lived three normal girls named Calistine Anita and Mariel School years are always so boring for them and summer is the only thing they wait for This year for summer they had a plan to meet up with their online friends for the first time They expected to have fun with them but what they didn t expect is that they ll meet another friend group Unexpectedly they d have to go to another dimension to save their friends The book tells a fiction about a friend group who try to save their friends who are stuck in another dimension While learning magic meet new magical friends and making the soon to be enchantress dream comes true It might a very fantastic and nerve wrecking adventure Don t miss it There lived three normal girls named Calistine Anita and Mariel School years are always so boring for them and summer is the only thing they wait for This year for summer they had a plan to meet up with their online friends for the first time They expected to have fun ...


MLA Style
Dzakira, Khadijah. A magical summer. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2022. Online.
Chicago Style
Dzakira, Khadijah. A magical summer. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2022.
Turabian Style
Dzakira, Khadijah. A magical summer. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2022.
APA Style
Dzakira, Khadijah. (2022). A magical summer. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru.
Harvard Style
Dzakira, Khadijah, 2022, A magical summer, CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, Surabaya.
IEEE Style
Khadijah Dzakira. A magical summer. Surabaya: CV. Pustaka MediaGuru, 2022.

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