Force to invade the Island of Timor Callinan 1953 Doig 1986 Most Timorese had taken the side of the Australians While Ernestos parents had been pressed into service by the Japanese military their sympathies as with most Timorese lay with the Australian and Allied forces At the time Portuguese Timor was hardly known in the outside world even in its neighbouring countries Indonesia and Australia Ernesto grew up speaking the languages Tetum Kemak and Mambai which had no written form at that time During his youth all literacy was in Portuguese and as he never attended school he remained illiterate throughout his life This was not unusual as in the 1950s only 10 of children completed school to year four Quarta Classe This was because the education was prioritised more for children of civil servants and local kings Liurais who supported Portuguese rule in East Timor than for general population Ernesto also understood and spoke broken Portuguese Ernestos parents were farmers they grew rice corn and coee Up to the age of 15 he helped them on the farm Ernesto and his parents also owned animals such as bualo horses goats pigs dogs and chickens He also did odd jobs carrying heavy loads for payment 2 He occupied himself with hunting cockghting and horse racing common interests of male Timorese youth at the time Cockghting was and is a famous sport throughout Timorese society and is a male only communal event Cockghting was usually held on market days a time when ordinary Timorese sellers and buyers came together to do business and enjoy themselves People often gambled on cockghts or with playing cards and sometimes drank tua sabu or tua mutin locally brewed alcohol from palm trees The young Ernesto liked cockghting and he gambled for leisure not professionally nor was he an addicted gambler In his youth Ernesto also enjoyed hunting and continued this hobby until 1975 Hunting and riding Timor ponies were very popular amongst young men at the time as there were lots of wild animals such as wild pigs wild bualo and deer Hunting was mostly done in the dry season during fulan nakukun dark moon but sometimes it was done in the rainy season Ernesto travelled the mountains by Timor pony learning a great deal about the country of its people and of strategic thinking Although he remained illiterate he was able to use his intelligence to develop into a wise thinker and a man of his word In 1960 at the age of 15 he got the oer to work for the SAPT Sociadade Agrcola Patria e Trabalholiterally Society of Agriculture Fatherland and Work 2 In the 1950s of Timorese families were subsistence cultivators and grew most of their own food and exchanged it with neighbours 2 A Luta Continua The Struggle Goes On The Life of Ernesto Fernandes Dudu From FALINTIL Freedom Fighter to the Parliament of Timor LesteForce to invade the Island of Timor Callinan 1953 Doig 1986 Most Timorese had taken the side of the Australians While Ernestos parents had been pressed into service by the Japanese military their sympathies as with most Timorese lay with the Australian and Allied forces At the time Portuguese Timor was ...hardly known in the outside world even in its neighbouring countries Indonesia and Australia Ernesto grew up speaking the languages Tetum Kemak and Mambai which had no written form at that time During his youth all literacy was in Portuguese and as he never attended school he remained illiterate throughout his life This was not unusual as in the 1950s only 10 of children completed school to year four Quarta Classe This was because the education was prioritised more for children of civil servants and local kings Liurais who supported Portuguese rule in East Timor than for general population Ernesto also understood and spoke broken Portuguese Ernestos parents were farmers they grew rice corn and coee Up to the age of 15 he helped them on the farm Ernesto and his parents also owned animals such as bualo horses goats pigs dogs and chickens He also did odd jobs carrying heavy loads for payment 2 He occupied himself with hunting cockghting and horse racing common interests of male Timorese youth at the time Cockghting was and is a famous sport throughout Timorese society and is a male only communal event Cockghting was usually held on market days a time when ordinary Timorese sellers and buyers came together to do business and enjoy themselves People often gambled on cockghts or with playing cards and sometimes drank tua sabu or tua mutin locally brewed alcohol from palm trees The young Ernesto liked cockghting and he gambled for leisure not professionally nor was he an addicted gambler In his youth Ernesto also enjoyed hunting and continued this hobby until 1975 Hunting and riding Timor ponies were very popular amongst young men at the time as there were lots of wild animals such as wild pigs wild bualo and deer Hunting was mostly done in the dry season during fulan nakukun dark moon but sometimes it was done in the rainy season Ernesto travelled the mountains by Timor pony learning a great deal about the country of its people and of strategic thinking Although he remained illiterate he was able to use his intelligence to develop into a wise thinker and a man of his word In 1960 at the age of 15 he got the oer to work for the SAPT Sociadade Agrcola Patria e Trabalholiterally Society of Agriculture Fatherland and Work 2 In the 1950s of Timorese families were subsistence cultivators and grew most of their own food and exchanged it with neighbours 2 A Luta Continua The Struggle Goes On The Life of Ernesto Fernandes Dudu From FALINTIL Freedom Fighter to the Parliament of Timor Leste