2015 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office (with Cengage EncoderPro.com Demo Printed Access Card)

2015 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office (with Cengage EncoderPro.com Demo Printed Access Card)

Alice Covell

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Deskripsi Buku

Succinct accurate and flexible 2015 CODING WORKBOOK FOR THE PHYSICIAN S OFFICE is the ideal coding practice tool Whether you are preparing for a certification exam the approaching transition to ICD 10 CM or improving your medical coding abilities this workbook will help you achieve your goal Designed to quickly boost coding proficiency 2015 CODING WORKBOOK FOR THE PHYSICIAN S OFFICE presents you with certification style questions challenging critical thinking scenarios and a variety of exercises to keep your skills sharp Includes CEUs from the AAPC and a 59 day trial of Optum s EncoderPro com Expert an easy to use code look up tool that gives you a professional edge Succinct accurate and flexible 2015 CODING WORKBOOK FOR THE PHYSICIAN S OFFICE is the ideal coding practice tool Whether you are preparing for a certification exam the approaching transition to ICD 10 CM or improving your medical coding abilities this workbook will help you achieve your goal Designed to quickly ...


MLA Style
Covell. 2015 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office (with Cengage EncoderPro.com Demo Printed Access Card). : Cengage, 2016. Online.
Chicago Style
Covell. 2015 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office (with Cengage EncoderPro.com Demo Printed Access Card). : Cengage, 2016.
Turabian Style
Covell. 2015 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office (with Cengage EncoderPro.com Demo Printed Access Card). : Cengage, 2016.
APA Style
Covell. (2016). 2015 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office (with Cengage EncoderPro.com Demo Printed Access Card). : Cengage.
Harvard Style
Covell, 2016, 2015 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office (with Cengage EncoderPro.com Demo Printed Access Card), Cengage, .
IEEE Style
Covell. 2015 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office (with Cengage EncoderPro.com Demo Printed Access Card). : Cengage, 2016.

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